Check why the turbocharger has failed.
Irregular replacement or use of low-quality oil can cause the bearings to be operated quickly in the turbocharger. The dirty oil will result in the formation of very deep scratches on the bearings and ultimately the immobilization of the turbine.
Malfunctions related to dirty oil may be caused by:
The reason for the pollution of these systems is their improper functioning or improper assembly of the turbocharger. Foreign bodies that have entered the suction body or exhaust turbine cause permanent damage visible to the naked eye on the compression wheel. Sand, splinters of rust or other impurities entering the center of the turbocharger pose a huge threat to rotor blades operating at high speed.
Failures related to a contaminated inlet system may be caused by:
The oil is essential for the proper functioning of the turbocharger. Gap intervals repeated in 4-6 seconds cycles cause the bearing surfaces to burn out.
Failures related to interruptions in oil supply may be caused by:
Improper oil pressure is the most dangerous failure and can lead to permanent damage to the turbocharger. Too low pressure will result in failure to deliver the oil turbine, which will result in polishing and burning of bearing surfaces as well as discoloration on the shaft. Regeneration of such a turbine is very difficult or even impossible.
The cause of the wrong pressure can be:
Overheating of the turbocharger qualifies it for replacement with a new one. Regeneration is impossible.
The oil loses lubricating properties and is baked and then charred on the roller, damaging it irretrievably. The reason for charring is too high fumes temperature or turning off the engine after a long drive without cooling the turbocharger. High temperature from the outlet body to the middle causes oil burnout and corrosion of the bearings. The turbine roller rings and grooves are the most vulnerable to failure. The charred oil blocks the outflow of oil in the central body and deposits on the walls causing friction and then cracking of the turbocharger part.
The cause of overheating of the turbocharger may be: